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dear actor... Actors say the darnedest things

Updated: Jan 3, 2023

It happened really fast…. i didn’t have time to call you (or email you…or text you……)   I have been in this business for over 30 years.... And have had Bohemia for 24 years.....and I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt it NEVER happens that fast.....if there is pressure to do something really fast and someone can't wait for you to reach out to your reps....then that is a red don't misunderstand me....this is not to say things don't happen quickly.....sometimes they do..... And managers, agents and lawyers are equipped for that....but there is never an excuse for you to not reach out to any one of your reps when something is happening and make sure you are not getting screwed.  

I didn’t think i had to tell you when i worked for no money….  what about all the other stuff we negotiate....oh.....there is other stuff you ask?....... Yes....there is other stuff.    It's sad that folks think that  it is all about the money.....  Now....don't get me wrong... Money is important.  And how do you know that we could not have gotten you something......(I know...cuz you want to work and you didn't want to lose the job or piss anyone off so you just said yes...I get it) ...  But the fine art of negotiation really is a lot more than how much money you are going to make or not make. 

I figured if its the weekend it would not matter if i went anywhere   I have said it before...I am sure I will say it again.... Hollywood is a 7 day a week place.   We have had auditions happen on Saturday and it the norm? No....  But does it happen,  absolutely.  If you have a trip planned...or even just a day trip..... Just make sure someone knows....

My friend who is just like me is going out all the time.... this is funny....first of all...I am guessing they are not going out all the time... But are certainly good at mind games...  But let's break it down....if you and your friend are EXACTLY a like and they are already going in for a role......why do they need two of you?  You are not like anyone else..... But more importantly.....don't listen to your with your own happy when they audition and book things...and support each other....but stop getting so wrapped up in what other people are doing and what you are not doing!

Casting director workshops are a waste of time -- let me be very clear about this....  I am not a big fan of these....BUT if you are just really getting things going what can it hurt....I know there are a lot of folks out there that are vehemently opposed to this....  And you know what...that is ok.... But I can tell you....if it's done can be a great thing.  And if you are just starting out then why not get in front of people you would not normally see.   And let your reps know.....and how it they can use the info.....(see how that works) 

I want to pass on the audition....I am nothing like the description. -- whew...  Good thing we caught that in time..., that silly casting director..... What where they thinking....seeing your picture and resume and still have the nerve to call you in.....  one of the dumbest things an actor can say.... How do you know you are not the ringer.....  Or maybe the casting director really does see beyond the few line description that is there....before you pass on something let us ask questions....   Then go in and be the best.

I didn’t want to bother you....-- hands down one of my biggest pet peeves...and honestly a load of shit if you ask me.  We are your reps.... If you can't bother us then why are you with us... And let me back this up with ...  If you have reps that say don't bother me...or don't call me....then run..... Run far away.... A good rep (agent or manager). Should always being willing to Before you go all crazy with this....  Be reasonable.  You should not be calling your agent with things you should be talking to your manager about....and good managers will set up healthy I am guessing they have more than one client and they do still have to work for you....and everyone if you happen to be a needy actor (and that is ok...).  Figure out a good line of communication.  Get into a groove....and keep the lines open.....

I am so loyal -  this one always cracks me up…. who are you trying to convince?  me? you? you don’t need to talk about your loyalty…. that is something you show….. the folks who have been with me the longest….are the ones who have never told me how loyal they are.  


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