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Dear Actor... don't bullsh*t your reps...

Updated: Jan 3, 2023

Don't bullshit your reps…I know… it sounds like a simple thing…and you know you may not ever realize that you are doing it. But telling us you are "sick" or not available…. then we see you out having fun on social media.... just makes you look bad… Back in the “old” days we could get away with so much more since there was not a camera or website around to post things instantly…. If you want to be an instagram/ tik tok star… good on ya….but if you also want to be an actor then you better learn how to…. Say it with me….. prioritize….

I am not sure when it became ok to be late….but i can tell you… for me… it is not…EVER ok….now don’t get me wrong…. I get it sometimes shit happens…. It happens to all of us…. BUT…..if you are always late… that is not ok…. If you live in a big city…. And you tell me “traffic”. Then you are disrespecting me and my time. you live in a big city… you know there is ALWAYS traffic….leave earlier…. If you are always late with a self tape… that boggles my mind…..there is no excuse…. Certainly it’s not traffic….with self tapes there is a reason why things have deadlines. I can tell you from our end…. If a tape is due at 9 or 10am. You have to remember that your rep has to look at it…. Then send it….and you may not be the only person with a tape due. Sometimes we have 75 tapes due at the same time. It is virtually impossible for us to do them all. So we will give you an earlier time….that is for us. If it is an eco-cast…. If it is not in at the time of the eco cast… that shuts down and we can no longer upload it. There are times when we can go directly to casting….but you can’t depend on that. There may be a reason why they want things through eco cast. Your job is to get me that tape at the time we ask for it. If you are always asking for an extension (hey.. sometimes you have to). But if you are always asking… then you need to prioritize your time. If it is a quick turnaround and you are not off book that is not the end of the world…..but if you have had it say for a week…and you are still not off book that is have to prioritize yourself. What is it that you want to do… if it is be an actor… that is your job!!! Also… and i hate to be a nudge.. (ok… not really….). But READ ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS… may be surprised at some of the things they are asking…. And there may be very specific reasons for asking….. so… make sure you read everything before you do the tape!!!! I hear this a lot….casting has seen me a lot for this show… they should know me…i have had actors say to me…. It should be offer only….uh…. Ok….if casting keeps seeing you that means they like you… and now they are looking for the right part for you…..they like you! Do the tape….. even if you have worked a lot….you may be cutting off your nose to spite your face…. Producers want to see what you can do with that part….if you want to say offer only… that is fine… but they may just move on to an actor who has taken the time to do a tape and pick one of them. It’s the casting offices that are not calling you back that should concern you. Some of my biggest clients still do self tapes..they like to work that muscle and put their spin on something…..but remember…at the end of the day it is the producers who are making the decisions…..are there exceptions to the rule…100%..don’t assume you are one…. Booking out…. So i can only speak for me on this one…. But if you are not booking out then you are not being fair to your reps. I get that we are in a self tape world… And you really can audition from anywhere….and i love that…..BUT…. If you are being put up for TV and sometimes that turn around is fast… and you have not told your reps you are not in town… and we get you an audition….. and you do it…. And they like you… and want you there in the next day or so… and you are in… oh…. Europe somewhere… guess what… can’t actually physically book it…. We are ok that you go out of town…. Have a life….but let your rep know where you are and when you are TRULY available. It makes you look bad… it makes your rep look bad… There will always be opportunities…. Be considerate…. Casting (and your reps…) will appreciate that much more! Ok…. There is one more thing on this one…. And this is one of my biggest pet peeves! When i hear an actor say…”i didn’t want to bother you”….. bother me!!! That is my job!!!i would rather you bother me with something….. and we fix it at that moment… instead of cleaning up any messes that could have been avoided. Don’t assume you know what I want to hear or not!!! Let your reps know what is happening…let us be the judge on what we can and can not handle…. You have us…. Use us!! Now go be a rock star!


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